How to split a long string without breaking words? How to split a long string without breaking words? arrays arrays

How to split a long string without breaking words?

The easiest solution is to use wordwrap(), and explode() on the new line, like so:

$array = explode( "\n", wordwrap( $str, $x));

Where $x is a number of characters to wrap the string on.

This code avoid breaking words, you won't get it using wordwrap().

The maximum length is defined using $maxLineLength. I've done some tests and it works fine.

$longString = 'I like apple. You like oranges. We like fruit. I like meat, also.';$words = explode(' ', $longString);$maxLineLength = 18;$currentLength = 0;$index = 0;foreach ($words as $word) {    // +1 because the word will receive back the space in the end that it loses in explode()    $wordLength = strlen($word) + 1;    if (($currentLength + $wordLength) <= $maxLineLength) {        $output[$index] .= $word . ' ';        $currentLength += $wordLength;    } else {        $index += 1;        $currentLength = $wordLength;        $output[$index] = $word;    }}

Use wordwrap() to insert the linebreaks, then explode() on those linebreaks:

// Wrap at 15 characters$x = 15;$longString = 'I like apple. You like oranges. We like fruit. I like meat, also.';$lines = explode("\n", wordwrap($longString, $x));var_dump($lines);array(6) {  [0]=>  string(13) "I like apple."  [1]=>  string(8) "You like"  [2]=>  string(11) "oranges. We"  [3]=>  string(13) "like fruit. I"  [4]=>  string(10) "like meat,"  [5]=>  string(5) "also."}