How to use array values as keys without loops? How to use array values as keys without loops? arrays arrays

How to use array values as keys without loops?

Simply use array_combine along with the array_column as

array_combine(array_column($array,'id'), array_column($array,'name'));

Or you can simply use array_walk if you have PHP < 5.5 as

$result = array();array_walk($array, function($v)use(&$result) {    $result[$v['id']] = $v['name']; });


For future user who has PHP > 5.5 can simply use array_column as



UPD: Warning the slowest solution! See benchmarks below.

Try this code:

$a = array(array('id'   => 1234,                 'name' => 'blablabla'),           array('id'   => 1235,                 'name' => 'ababkjkj'),           array('id'   => 1236,                  'name' => 'xyzxyzxyz'));var_export(array_reduce($a, function($res, $item) {    $res[$item['id']] = $item['name'];    return $res;}));

Works fine even in PHP 5.3. And uses only one function array_reduce.

UPD:Here are some benchmarks (PHP 5.6 over Debian 7 on a medium quality server):

$a = [];for ($i = 0; $i < 150000; $i++) {    $a[$i] = ['id' => $i,               'name' => str_shuffle('abcde') . str_shuffle('01234')];}$start = microtime(true);if (false) {    // 7.7489550113678 secs for 15 000 itmes    $r = array_reduce($a, function($res, $item) {             $res[$item['id']] = $item['name'];             return $res;         });}if (false) {    // 0.096649885177612 secs for 150 000 items    $r = array_combine(array_column($a, 'id'),                       array_column($a, 'name'));}if (true) {    // 0.066264867782593 secs for 150 000 items    $r = [];    foreach ($a as $subarray) {        $r[$subarray['id']] = $subarray['name'];    }}if (false) {    // 0.32427287101746 secs for 150 000 items    $r = [];    array_walk($a, function($v) use (&$r) {        $r[$v['id']] = $v['name'];    });}echo (microtime(true) - $start)  . ' secs' . PHP_EOL;

So, as a conclusion: plain iteration with simple for loop is a winner (as mentioned in this answer). On a second place there is array_combine allowed only for new versions of PHP. And the worst case is using my own solution with closure and array_reduce.

If you have php >= 5.5:

$res = array_combine(array_column($source, 'id'), array_column($source, 'name'));

If not - make a loop.