How to use Java 7+ 'Objects.hash()' with arrays? How to use Java 7+ 'Objects.hash()' with arrays? arrays arrays

How to use Java 7+ 'Objects.hash()' with arrays?

You could try:

Objects.hash(field1, field2, Arrays.hashCode(array1), Arrays.hashCode(array2));

This is the same as creating one array that contains field1, field2, the contents of array1 and the contents of array2. Then computing Arrays.hashCode on this array.

Arrays.deepHashCode will discover arrays in the array (via instanceof Object[]) and recursively call itself.See the code.

If the array contains other arrays as elements, the hash code is based on their contents and so on, ad infinitum.

@Overridepublic int hashCode() {    Object[] fields = {field1, field2, array1, array2};    return Arrays.deepHashCode(fields);}

It would be useful to have a params version like Objects.hash, but you'd have to write your own:

public final class HashUtils {    private HashUtils(){}    public static int deepHashCode(Object... fields) {        return Arrays.deepHashCode(fields);    }}


@Overridepublic int hashCode() {    return HashUtils.deepHashCode(field1, field2, array1, array2);}