Java - Find Element in Array using Condition and Lambda Java - Find Element in Array using Condition and Lambda arrays arrays

Java - Find Element in Array using Condition and Lambda

You can do it like this,

Optional<Preset> optional =                                   .filter(x -> "MyString".equals(x.getName()))                                   .findFirst();if(optional.isPresent()) {//Check whether optional has element you are looking for    Preset p = optional.get();//get it from optional}

You can read more about Optional here.

Like this:

Optional<Preset> preset = Arrays        .stream(presets)        .filter(x -> x.getName().equals("MyString"))        .findFirst();

This will return an Optional which might or might not contain a value. If you want to get rid of the Optional altogether:

Preset preset = Arrays        .stream(presets)        .filter(x -> x.getName().equals("MyString"))        .findFirst()        .orElse(null);

The filter() operation is an intermediate operation which returns a lazy stream, so there's no need to worry about the entire array being filtered even after a match is encountered.

Do you want first matching, or all matching?

String[] presets = {"A", "B", "C", "D", "CA"};// Find all matchingList<String> resultList =                                .filter(x -> x.startsWith("C"))                                .collect(Collectors.toList());System.out.println(resultList);// Find first matchingString firstResult =                           .filter(x -> x.startsWith("C"))                           .findFirst()                           .orElse(null);System.out.println(firstResult);


[C, CA]C