Mongoose, check if value exists in an array of objects Mongoose, check if value exists in an array of objects arrays arrays

Mongoose, check if value exists in an array of objects

$elemMatch can be used with Arrays of Embedded Documents:

In your case you could try:

Person.find({    members: {       $elemMatch: { id: id1 }    }}); 

But since it is a Single Query Condition:

Person.find({    "": id1}); 

Would do the trick.

You can use elem match in the following way:

db.collection.find({  arrayfield: {    $elemMatch: {      id: ObjectId("5eaaeedd00101108e1123461")    }  }})

The same can be done in mongoose in the following ways:

query.elemMatch('arrayfield', { id: ObjectId("5eaaeedd00101108e1123461") })


query.where('arrayfield').elemMatch({ id: ObjectId("5eaaeedd00101108e1123461") })


query.elemMatch('arrayfield', function (elem) {  elem.where('id').equals(ObjectId("5eaaeedd00101108e1123461"));})


query.where('arrayfield').elemMatch(function (elem) {  elem.where({ id: ObjectId("5eaaeedd00101108e1123461") });})

I have used this example collection:

[  {    "_id": ObjectId("5eaaeedd00101108e1123451"),    "arrayfield": [      {        id: ObjectId("5eaaeedd00101108e1123461"),        name: "David"      },      {        id: ObjectId("5eaaeedd00101108e1123462"),        name: "Brown"      }    ]  },  {    "_id": ObjectId("5eaaeedd00101108e1123452"),    "arrayfield": [      {        id: ObjectId("5eaaeedd00101108e1123471"),        name: "Maple"      },      {        id: ObjectId("5eaaeedd00101108e1123472"),        name: "Green"      }    ]  },  {    "_id": ObjectId("5eaaeedd00101108e1123453"),    "arrayfield": [      {        id: ObjectId("5eaaeedd00101108e1123461"),        name: "David"      },      {        id: ObjectId("5eaaeedd00101108e1123482"),        name: "Lacey"      }    ]  }]

Want to try live? Try it on mongo playground with this link

You can use as field in your query to match your subdocument ids :

Person.find({ "": { "$in": ["id1"] } })