Numbers to Roman Numbers with php Numbers to Roman Numbers with php arrays arrays

Numbers to Roman Numbers with php

I found this code here:

Optimized and prettified function:

/** * @param int $number * @return string */function numberToRomanRepresentation($number) {    $map = array('M' => 1000, 'CM' => 900, 'D' => 500, 'CD' => 400, 'C' => 100, 'XC' => 90, 'L' => 50, 'XL' => 40, 'X' => 10, 'IX' => 9, 'V' => 5, 'IV' => 4, 'I' => 1);    $returnValue = '';    while ($number > 0) {        foreach ($map as $roman => $int) {            if($number >= $int) {                $number -= $int;                $returnValue .= $roman;                break;            }        }    }    return $returnValue;}

Another way to do that

<?php function ConverToRoman($num){     $n = intval($num);     $res = '';     //array of roman numbers    $romanNumber_Array = array(         'M'  => 1000,         'CM' => 900,         'D'  => 500,         'CD' => 400,         'C'  => 100,         'XC' => 90,         'L'  => 50,         'XL' => 40,         'X'  => 10,         'IX' => 9,         'V'  => 5,         'IV' => 4,         'I'  => 1);     foreach ($romanNumber_Array as $roman => $number){         //divide to get  matches        $matches = intval($n / $number);         //assign the roman char * $matches        $res .= str_repeat($roman, $matches);         //substract from the number        $n = $n % $number;     }     // return the result    return $res; } echo ConverToRoman(23); ?>

function rome($N){    $c='IVXLCDM';    for($a=5,$b=$s='';$N;$b++,$a^=7)        for($o=$N%$a,$N=$N/$a^0;$o--;$s=$c[$o>2?$b+$N-($N&=-2)+$o=1:$b].$s);    return $s;}// from polish wiki