Pass array as parameter to JAX-RS resource Pass array as parameter to JAX-RS resource arrays arrays

Pass array as parameter to JAX-RS resource

You have a few options here.

Option 1: A query parameter with multiple values

You can supply multiple simple values for a single query parameter. For example, your query string might look like:

PUT /path/to/my/resource?param1=value1&param1=value2&param1=value3

Here the request parameter param1 has three values, and the container will give you access to all three values as an array (See Query string structure).

Option 2: Supply complex data in the PUT body

If you need to submit complex data in a PUT request, this is typically done by supplying that content in the request body. Of course, this payload can be xml (and bound via JAXB).

Remember the point of the URI is to identify a resource (RFC 3986, 3.4), and if this array of values is data that is needed to identify a resource then the URI is a good place for this. If on the other hand this array of data forms part of the new representation that is being submitted in this PUT request, then it belongs in the request body.

Having said that, unless you really do just need an array of simple values, I'd recommend choosing the Option 2. I can't think of a good reason to use URL-encoded XML in the URL, but I'd be interested to hear more about exactly what this data is.

We can get the Query parameters and corresponding values as a Map,

@GET@Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)public void test(@Context UriInfo ui) {    MultivaluedMap<String, String> map = ui.getQueryParameters();    String name = map.getFirst("name");    String age = map.getFirst("age");    System.out.println(name);    System.out.println(age);}