php str_getcsv array issue php str_getcsv array issue arrays arrays

php str_getcsv array issue

str_getcsv() expects the string passed as parameter to be one record.
But since your source is a file anyway the easiest way is probably to use fgetcsv() instead of str_getcsv()

$data = array();$fp = fopen($targetFile, 'rb');while(!feof($fp)) {    $data[] = fgetcsv($fp);}fclose($fp);

self-contained example:

<?php$targetFile = 'soTest.csv';setup($targetFile);$data = array();$fp = fopen($targetFile, 'rb');while(!feof($fp)) {    $data[] = fgetcsv($fp);}var_dump($data);function setup($targetFile) {    file_put_contents($targetFile, <<< eot1,name,address,town,state,zip,phone,website,other,other2,name,address,town,state,zip,phone,website,other,other3,name,address,town,state,zip,phone,website,other,othereot    );}


array(3) {  [0]=>  array(10) {    [0]=>    string(1) "1"    [1]=>    string(4) "name"    [2]=>    string(7) "address"    [3]=>    string(4) "town"    [4]=>    string(5) "state"    [5]=>    string(3) "zip"    [6]=>    string(5) "phone"    [7]=>    string(7) "website"    [8]=>    string(5) "other"    [9]=>    string(5) "other"  }  [1]=>  array(10) {    [0]=>    string(1) "2"    [1]=>    string(4) "name"    [2]=>    string(7) "address"    [3]=>    string(4) "town"    [4]=>    string(5) "state"    [5]=>    string(3) "zip"    [6]=>    string(5) "phone"    [7]=>    string(7) "website"    [8]=>    string(5) "other"    [9]=>    string(5) "other"  }  [2]=>  array(10) {    [0]=>    string(1) "3"    [1]=>    string(4) "name"    [2]=>    string(7) "address"    [3]=>    string(4) "town"    [4]=>    string(5) "state"    [5]=>    string(3) "zip"    [6]=>    string(5) "phone"    [7]=>    string(7) "website"    [8]=>    string(5) "other"    [9]=>    string(5) "other"  }}

edit2: For using the first element of each record as the key in the result array:

<?php$targetFile = 'soTest.csv';setup($targetFile);$data = array();$fp = fopen($targetFile, 'rb');while(!feof($fp)) {    $row = fgetcsv($fp);    $id = array_shift($row);    $data[$id] = $row;}var_dump($data);function setup($targetFile) {    file_put_contents($targetFile, <<< eot1,name,address,town,state,zip,phone,website,other,other2,name,address,town,state,zip,phone,website,other,other3,name,address,town,state,zip,phone,website,other,othereot    );}

Not the pretties thing on this world but I think it works.

//make the arrays needed$csvtmp = array();$csvFinal = array();$csvfile = file_get_contents('test.csv');$csv = str_getcsv($csvfile,"\n"); //make an array element for every record (new line)//Loop through the result foreach ($csv as $key => $item) {    array_push($csvtmp, str_getcsv($item,";")); //push each record to the csv temp array    //here's the messy part. This set the key of the csvFinal array to the first field in the current record and for the value it gives it the array we got from the previous str_getcsv.    $csvFinal[$csvtmp[$key][0]] = $csvtmp[$key];     //Here we just unset the id row in the final array    unset($csvFinal[$csvtmp[$key][0]][0]);}echo "<pre>";    print_r($csvFinal);echo "</pre>"; 

result of the code:

Array(    [22] => Array        (            [1] => name1            [2] => address1            [3] => town1            [4] => state1            [5] => zip1            [6] => phone1            [7] => website1            [8] => other1            [9] => other1        )    [23] => Array        (            [1] => name2            [2] => address2            [3] => town2            [4] => state2            [5] => zip2            [6] => phone2            [7] => website2            [8] => other1            [9] => other1        )    [24] => Array        (            [1] => name3            [2] => address3            [3] => town3            [4] => state3            [5] => zip3            [6] => phone3            [7] => website3            [8] => other1            [9] => other1        )}

Hope this helps

Well, just count the number of items an entry has then make a loop inside a loop

// loop on all items; $i+=$ITEM_SIZE go to the next item each outer loop// (10 elements for ITEM in Opening Post's case)// this for loops between all itemsfor ($i=0;$i<=$ARRAY_LENGHT;$i+=10){    // this for loops between each item's elements    for($c=1; $c<=10;$c++)    {        switch($c)        {            case 1:              $id = $array[$i+$c];              break;            case 2:              $name = $array[$i+$c];              break;            case 3:              $address = $array[$i+$c];              break;            //etc to 10th element:            case 10:              $other = $array[$i+$c];              break;        }    }    // When the item is all done use the item    // it as you need, example:    echo "id: {$id}\nname: {$name}\naddress: {$adress}"; //etc    // then unset($id,$name,$address, $etc);    // for the next iteration of loop (next item)}

That is what I just did and works very well.