Postgres append or set each elements(if not exists) of an array to an array column Postgres append or set each elements(if not exists) of an array to an array column arrays arrays

Postgres append or set each elements(if not exists) of an array to an array column

I'll assume that arr_str is of type text[] (although you did not use the proper format for them, so I may be wrong; if that's the case, you'll need to cast your value to text[]).

Use the following statement, if you want to remove duplications, which are already present in the arr_str column:

update tabl1set    arr_str = (select array_agg(distinct e) from unnest(arr_str || '{b,c,d}') e)where  not arr_str @> '{b,c,d}'

Or, use the following one when you want to preserve existing duplications:

update tabl1set    arr_str = arr_str || array(select unnest('{b,c,d}'::text[]) except select unnest(arr_str))where  not arr_str @> '{b,c,d}'

Both of these statements won't touch rows, which won't be affected anyway (look at the where not arr_str @> '{b,c,d}' predicate). This is usualy the best practice, and is almost always recommended, when triggers are involved.

With default pg install you can merge two arrays with || operator:

select arr_str || '{a, b}' from tabl1

But in that case you will get duplicates.

To avoid them, you can unnest array into rowset and distinct it:

select ARRAY(SELECT DISTINCT UNNEST(arr_str || '{a,b,c}')) from tabl1

If your values are integers, there is more elegant way to get uniq array values with intarray contrib module and uniq() function:

You can add these integer array functions by using:


you can concatenate arrays and then aggregate distinct values:

t=# with a as (select unnest('{a, b}'::text[] || '{b,c,d}'::text[]) a) select array_agg(distinct a) from a; array_agg----------- {a,b,c,d}(1 row)Time: 1.312 ms