push() won't work as expected in reduce() push() won't work as expected in reduce() arrays arrays

push() won't work as expected in reduce()

Since push() returns the new length of the array, you're assigning the length to a. Instead of a conditional operator, use an if statement.

var winner = objKeys.reduce((a, b) => {    if (frequency[b] === highestVal) {        a.push(b);    }    return a;}, []);

The push() returns the new length. You can use ES2015 spread syntax:

var winner = objKeys.reduce((a, b)=> {    a = (frequency[b] === highestVal)? [...a, b] : a;    return a}, []);

Building on the excellent answer by @Alexander Moiseyev.

You can avoid setting and mutating both variables a and winner by doing the following:

return objKeys.reduce((acc, val) =>    frequency[val] === highestVal       ? [...acc, val]       : acc,[])

note: for clarity I have explicitly declared the accumulator and value in this reduce method.