Reindexing an array Reindexing an array arrays arrays

Reindexing an array

Array.prototype.filter() is not executed on deleted or previously undefined items. So you can simply do:

testArray.filter(function(val){return val}); order to re-index your array.

Or ES6:

testArray.filter(val => val)

If you don't mind using javascript 1.6: (note: this code uses the jQUery library)

var testArray = new Array();testArray[3]="qwerty";testArray[7]="asdfgh";testArray[13]="zxcvbn";var testString = testArray.filter(function (item) { return item != undefined }).join();$(function(){    $('#write').text(testString);});

filter prototype:

if (!Array.prototype.filter){  Array.prototype.filter = function(fun /*, thisp */)  {    "use strict";    if (this === void 0 || this === null)      throw new TypeError();    var t = Object(this);    var len = t.length >>> 0;    if (typeof fun !== "function")      throw new TypeError();    var res = [];    var thisp = arguments[1];    for (var i = 0; i < len; i++)    {      if (i in t)      {        var val = t[i]; // in case fun mutates this        if (, val, i, t))          res.push(val);      }    }    return res;  };}

Super simple function:

function reindex_array_keys(array, start){    var temp = [];    start = typeof start == 'undefined' ? 0 : start;    start = typeof start != 'number' ? 0 : start;    for(var i in array){        temp[start++] = array[i];    }    return temp;}testArray = reindex_array_keys(testArray);

Note: this will blow away any custom keys. the result will always be numerically indexed. you could add in checks for if it's an array or not but i tend to just not use functions i build other than they are intended to be used. you can also start the index higher if you like:

testArray = reindex_array_keys(testArray, 3);

which will produce 3 'undefined' items at the beginning of the array. you can then add to it later but i think it would be better to do testArray.unshift('newValue') first then reindex personally.

have fun