Remove entry from array Remove entry from array arrays arrays

Remove entry from array

To remove element number $i: a=("${(@)a[1,$i-1]}" "${(@)a[$i+1,$#a]}")

(The simpler construct a=($a[1,$i-1] $a[$i+1,-1]) also removes empty elements.)


To remove any occurence of b: a=("${(@)a:#b}")
:# is the hieroglyph to remove matching elements; "" and (@) is to operate correctly on arrays even if they contain empty elements.

Gilles second answer is correct if you wish to remove all occurences, but it is a full reassignment of the array and does not address the situation where you wish to remove only a single entry, regardless of duplicates. There is a way in zsh to remove an element from an normal array without reassigning the entire array:

Given the following array:

array=(abc def ghi)

the following will return the index of the first match for def:


and the following format can be used to remove any given indexed value (element index 2 in this example) in an array without reassignment of the entire array:


thus, to remove the value def we combine the two:


This is cleaner for single element removal, since there is no explicit array reassignment (cleaner in that any potential side effects, such as the accidental removal of empty items, quoted format issues, etc. are not going to crop up). However Gilles' solution is largely equivalent and has the advantage of multiple matching item removal, if that is what you want. With his method and this method, you have a full toolset for standard array element removal.

Since versions 4.2 and 5.0, zsh accepts ${name:|arrayname} syntax. From manual:

If arrayname is the name (N.B., not contents) of an array variable, then any elements contained in arrayname are removed from the substitution of name.

So, it does exactly what you expect:

$ foo=(a b c)$ excl=(b)$ echo ${foo:|excl}a c