Returning integer array from function with no arguments [duplicate] Returning integer array from function with no arguments [duplicate] arrays arrays

Returning integer array from function with no arguments [duplicate]

No, the array will not be "sent". You need to do one of these:

  • create the array dynamically using new
  • create the array statically
  • pass the array into the function as a pointer
  • use std::vector

In most cases, the last is the preferred solution.

Pretend you don't know what C-arrays are and join the world of modern C++:

#include <array>std::array<int, 8> getNums(){    std::array<int, 8> ret = {{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 }};    return ret;}

If your compiler is too old to provide a std:: or std::tr1:: implementation of array<>, consider using boost::array<> instead. Or, consider using std::vector<> either way.

I am led understand that when the function ends the pointer is lost, but will the array still be sent?

The behavior is undefined.

what is a good way to return this integer array with no arguments in the function call?

int nums[8];

num is local variable which resides on stack. You cannot return the reference of a local variable. Instead alloc nums with operator new and remember to delete[] it.

int* getNums(){     int *nums = new int[8] ;     // .....     return nums ;}// You should deallocate the resources nums acquired through delete[] later,// else memory leak prevails.