reverse for loop for array countdown reverse for loop for array countdown arrays arrays

reverse for loop for array countdown

You declared array on integers of 10 elements. And you are iterating from i=0 to i=10 and i=10 to i=0 that's 11 elements. Obviously it's an index out of bounds error.

Change your code to this

public class Reverse {  public static void main(String [] args){    int i, j;    System.out.print("Countdown\n");    int[] numIndex = new int[10]; // array with 10 elements.    for (i = 0; i<10 ; i++) {  // from 0 to 9      numIndex[i] = i;// element i = number of iterations (index 0=0, 1=1, ect.)    }    for (j=9; j>=0; j--){ // from 9 to 0      System.out.println(numIndex[j]);//indexes should print in reverse order from here but it throws an exception?       }   }}

Remember indices starts from 0.


Java uses 0-based array indexes. When you create an Array of size 10 new int[10] it creates 10 integer 'cells' in the array. The indexes are: 0, 1, 2, ...., 8, 9.

Your loop counts to the index which is 1 less than 11, or 10, and that index does not exist.

The array is of size 10, which means it is indexable from 0 to 9. numIndex[10] is indeed out of bounds. This is a basic off-by-one error.