Scala - convert Array[String] to Array[Double] Scala - convert Array[String] to Array[Double] arrays arrays

Scala - convert Array[String] to Array[Double]

You probably want to use map along with toDouble: => x.toDouble)

Or more concisely:

And for the fallback for non-double strings, you might consider using the Try monad (in scala.util): => Try(x.toDouble).getOrElse(1.0))

If you know what each line will look like, you could also do pattern matching:

values map {     case Array(a, b, c) => Array(a.toDouble, b.toDouble, 1.0)}

Expanding on @DaunnC's comment, you can use the Try utility to do this and pattern match on the result so you can avoid calling get or wrapping your result in an Option:

import scala.util.{Try, Success, Failure}def main = {  val maybeDoubles = Array("5", "1.0", "8.5", "10.0", "item1", "item2")  val convertDoubles = { x =>    Try(x.toDouble)  }  val convertedArray = {    _ match {      case Success(res) => res      case Failure(f) => 1.0   }  }  convertedArray}

This allows you to pattern match on the result of Try, which is always either a Success or Failure, without having to call get or otherwise wrap your results.

Here is some more information on Try courtesy of Mauricio Linhares:

You mean to convert all strings to double with a fallback to 1.0 for all inconvertible strings? That would be:

val x = Array(  Array("1.0", "2.0", "item1"),  Array("5", "8.9", "item2")) { y =>  try {    y.toDouble  } catch {    case _: NumberFormatException => 1.0  }})