Should I be concerned about .NET dictionary speed? Should I be concerned about .NET dictionary speed? arrays arrays

Should I be concerned about .NET dictionary speed?

  1. You are micro-optimizing. Do you even have working code yet? Remember, "If it doesn't work, it doesn't matter how fast it doesn't work." (Mich Ravera)

    You have no idea where the bottlenecks will be, and already you're focused on Dictionary. What if the problem is somewhere else?

  2. How do you know how the Dictionary class is implemented? Maybe it already uses an array with hashed keys!

P.S. It's really ".NET Dictionaries", not "C# Dictionaries", because C# is just one of several programming languages that use the framework.

Hello, I will be creating a project that will use dictionary lookups and inserts quite a bit. Is this something to be concerned about?

Yes. It is always wise to consider performance factors up front.

The form that your concern should take is as follows: your concern should be encouraging you to write realistic, user-focused performance specifications. It should be encouraging you to start writing performance tests early, and running them often, so that you can see how every single change to the product affects performance. That way you will be informed immediately when a code change causes a user-affecting change in performance. And it should be encouraging you to run profiles often, so that you are reasoning about performance based on empirical measurements, rather than random guesses and hunches.

Also, if I do benchmarking and such and it is really bad, then what is the best way of replacing dictionary with something else?

The best way to do this is to build a reasonable abstraction layer. If you have a class (or interface) which represents the "insert" and "lookup" abstract data type, then you can replace its internals without changing any of the callers.

Note that adding a layer of abstraction itself has a performance cost. If your profiling shows that the abstraction layer is too expensive, if the extra couple nanoseconds per call is too much, then you might have to get rid of the abstraction layer. Again, this decision will be driven by real-world performance data.

Would using an array with "hashed" keys even be faster? That wouldn't help on insert time though will it?

Neither you nor anyone reading this can possibly know which one is faster until you write it both ways and then benchmark it both ways under real-world conditions. Doing it under "lab" conditions will skew your results; you'll need to understand how things work when the GC is under realistic memory pressure, and so on. You might as well ask us which horse will run faster in next year's Kentucky Derby. If we knew the answer just by looking at the racing form, we'd all be rich already. You can't possibly expect anyone to know which of two entirely hypothetical, unwritten pieces of code will be faster under unspecified conditions!

The Dictionary<TKey, TValue> class is actually implemented as a hash table which makes lookups very fast (close to O(1)). See the API documentation for more information. I doubt you could make a better implementation yourself.