Splitting an array into 2 arrays C# Splitting an array into 2 arrays C# arrays arrays

Splitting an array into 2 arrays C#

You can use linq:

firstArray = array.Take(array.Length / 2).ToArray();secondArray = array.Skip(array.Length / 2).ToArray();

Why this works, despite the parity of the original array size?

The firstArray takes array.Length / 2 elements, and the second one skips the first array.Length / 2 elements, it means there isn't any conflict between these two arrays. Of course if the number of elements is odd we cannot split the array into two equal size parts.

If you want to have more elements in the first half (in the odd case), do this:

firstArray = array.Take((array.Length + 1) / 2).ToArray();secondArray = array.Skip((array.Length + 1) / 2).ToArray();

string[] words = {"apple", "orange", "banana", "pear", "lemon"};int mid = words.Length/2;string[] first = words.Take(mid).ToArray();string[] second = words.Skip(mid).ToArray();

If you don't want to/can't use LINQ you can simply do:

    string[] words = { "apple", "orange", "banana", "pear", "lemon" };    string[] firstarray, secondarray;    int mid = words.Length / 2;    firstarray = new string[mid];    secondarray = new string[words.Length - mid];    Array.Copy(words, 0, firstarray, 0, mid);    Array.Copy(words, mid, secondarray, 0, secondarray.Length);