Store and use an array using the HTML data tag and jQuery Store and use an array using the HTML data tag and jQuery arrays arrays

Store and use an array using the HTML data tag and jQuery

If you use valid JSON ([ and ] for the array, double quotes instead of single), like this:

<div id="locations" data-locations='[{"name":"Bath","url":"/location/bath","img":"/thumb.jpg"},{"name":"Berkhamsted","url":"/location/berkhamsted","img":"/thumb.jpg"}]'>

Then what you have (using .data()) to get the array will work:


You can test it here.

Try adding [ and ] to beginning and end (this makes it valid JSON). After doing so, you can use JSON.parse() to convert it to a native JavaScript object.

If for whatever reason you insist on using double quotes, you will need to html encode the quotes in your data attribute.

<div data-dwarfs="["Doc", "Sneezy", "Happy"]"></div>

Of course if you have access to PHP or some other pre-processor, you could use something like this:

<?php    $dwarfs = ['Doc', 'Sneezy', 'Happy'];?>    <div data-dwarfs="<?php echo htmlspecialchars(json_encode($dwarfs), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') ?>"></div><?php