Why are Arrays invariant, but Lists covariant? Why are Arrays invariant, but Lists covariant? arrays arrays

Why are Arrays invariant, but Lists covariant?

Because it would break type-safety otherwise.If not, you would be able to do something like this:

val arr:Array[Int] = Array[Int](1,2,3)val arr2:Array[Any] = arrarr2(0) = 2.54

and the compiler can't catch it.

On the other hand, lists are immutable, so you can't add something that is not Int

This is because lists are immutable and arrays are mutable.

The difference is that Lists are immutable while Arrays are mutable.

To understand why mutability determines variance, consider making a mutable version of List - let's call it MutableList. We'll also make use of some example types: a base class Animal and 2 subclasses named Cat and Dog.

trait Animal {  def makeSound: String}class Cat extends Animal {  def makeSound = "meow"  def jump = // ...}class Dog extends Animal {  def makeSound = "bark"}

Notice that Cat has one more method (jump) than Dog.

Then, define a function that accepts a mutable list of animals and modifies the list:

def mindlessFunc(xs: MutableList[Animal]) = {  xs += new Dog()}

Now, horrible things will happen if you pass a list of cats into the function:

val cats = MutableList[Cat](cat1, cat2)val horror = mindlessFunc(cats)

If we were using a careless programming language, this will be ignored during compilation. Nevertheless, our world will not collapse if we only access the list of cats using the following code:

cats.foreach(c => c.makeSound)

But if we do this:

cats.foreach(c => c.jump)

A runtime error will occur. With Scala, writing such code is prevented, because the compiler will complain.