Adding <br/> dynamically between controls Adding <br/> dynamically between controls

Adding <br/> dynamically between controls

myPanel.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<br />"));

I would suggest that you don't use
at all. Use CSS to display your controls. display:block on your elements will work just fine. Less messy!

My problem:Add a text to a panel indicating a date range. The text should be placed below an hyperlink.

The CSS solution:

A. Create the CSS class (place it on your page or into a CSS file)

.dateRange{    display:block;}

B. Create controls and set the proper CSS class (.CssClass property)

//1. Create the linkLinkButton _btnTitle = new LinkButton();_btnTitle.Text = Request.QueryString["name"];_btnTitle.OnClientClick = "history.go(-1); return false;";_btnTitle.ToolTip = Request.QueryString["name"];_btnTitle.CssClass = "title";//2. Add the link to the containerpnlFindTech.Controls.Add(_btnTitle);  //3. Create the label (text)    Label lblDate = new Label();lblDate.Text = " [ From " + txtDateFrom.Text + " To " + txtDateTo.Text + " ] ";lblDate.CssClass = "dateRange"; //Here is the trick//4. Add the label to the containerpnlFindTech.Controls.Add(lblDate);

The final output looks like the this:

enter image description here
