Adding machineKey to machine.config Adding machineKey to machine.config

Adding machineKey to machine.config

Just place it under <system.web>

If you need a key generated, use the process as shown in this SO post

Inside <system.web>:

<system.web>    <machineKey         validationKey="....."         decryptionKey="....."     />

which is at the bottom of the file in mine at least. I don't think the order of elements in system.web matters, as long as it's the top level directly beneath the system.web element.

Get keys from sites can be a risk of security.

there's a simple way to do it, just use your IIS console

type inetMgr in Start

The IIS Console open.Click in Computer Keys

Computer Keys

The next step is set your keys. Select the appropriate, unflag the boxes to generate manually your keys, and finally click Generate Keys.

Screen where generate your keys

Finally, go in your Web.Config and above the set the tags.

Setting the keys in web.config
