"Ambiguity between X and X" for every property after modifying entity model [closed] "Ambiguity between X and X" for every property after modifying entity model [closed] asp.net asp.net

"Ambiguity between X and X" for every property after modifying entity model [closed]

I had the exact same problem in Visual Studio 2015 but I used TFS instead of Sourcesafe.

First option is to make sure you are connected to your Source Control (Online).

If that doesn't work

  1. Make sure your Visual Studio solution is connected to TFS/Source Control. This issue can occur when your offline mode. Right click on the solution and select Go Online if your offline.
  2. Once your online connected to TFS in Visual Studio right click on the edmx and select Goto Source Control->Undo Pending changes. This will undo all the pending changes for the edmx and the associated generated files.
  3. Delete the changed table from the edmx and add it again.
  4. Build your solution

I had this same issue. For some reason when updating my Entity Framework model it had created a second Model.Context.cs file.

This seemed to be because the original one had become disconnected from the model and it had to create a new one. I deleted the original one and it fixed the issue.

These .cs files should be visible in the Solution Explorer by finding the Model.edmx expanding out then finding and expanding out the Context.tt file.

Just had the same error just now and i found out that i had copied classes to a new folder and not changes their names.

I have a Folder name Group and City, i then copied classes from Group to City when Group and City folders are referenced on the appservice i'm getting errors from.