Angular2 with ASP.NET 5 [closed] Angular2 with ASP.NET 5 [closed]

Angular2 with ASP.NET 5 [closed]

I agree, it is somewhat bewildering at first to get Angular2 up and running in the Visual Studio 5 environment. I put the typescript files associated with my Angular2 app in a folder on the root called App (capital "A") and then use gulp to transpile into javascript into the "app" (small "a") at "./wwwroot/app". The tsconfig.json file seems to function okay in the App folder and it looks like the following:

{  "compilerOptions": {    "emitDecoratorMetadata": true,    "experimentalDecorators": true,    "module": "system",    "moduleResolution": "node",    "noImplicitAny": false,    "noEmitOnError": true,    "removeComments": false,    "sourceMap": true,    "target": "es5",    "outDir": "wwwroot/app/"  },  "exclude": [    "node_modules",    "wwwroot"  ]}

My gulp task looks like the following (note that I also need to copy any associated HTML views and JSON files to the app folder as well):

var ts = require("gulp-typescript")var tsProject = ts.createProject("./App/tsconfig.json");gulp.task("compile:ts", function () {    var tsResult = tsProject.src()        .pipe(ts(tsProject));    tsResult.js.pipe(gulp.dest("./wwwroot/app"));    return gulp.src('./App/**/*.{html,json}')        .pipe(gulp.dest('./wwwroot/app'));});

Now when I run the gulp task compile:ts my app folder gets all the proper assets.

Now, I realize you probably do not want to hear about yet another package manger, but I recommend you consider using JSPM. Built by the same team that built system.js, JSPM really excels in bundling your Angular2 app for production. JSPM requires that you have a config.json file in your root and mine (configured to tell JSPM where the angular2 dev dependencies are) is as follows:

System.config({  baseURL: "/",  defaultJSExtensions: true,  transpiler: "typescript",  paths: {    "npm:*": "jspm_packages/npm/*",    "github:*": "jspm_packages/github/*",    "node_modules*": "node_modules/*"  },  packages: {    "app": {      "defaultExtension": "js"    }  },  map: {    "angular2": "node_modules/angular2",    "bootstrap": "github:twbs/bootstrap@3.3.6",    "jquery": "github:components/jquery@2.1.4",    "rxjs": "node_modules/rxjs",    "ts": "github:frankwallis/plugin-typescript@2.4.3",    "typescript": "npm:typescript@1.7.5",    "github:frankwallis/plugin-typescript@2.4.3": {      "typescript": "npm:typescript@1.7.5"    },    "github:twbs/bootstrap@3.3.6": {      "jquery": "github:components/jquery@2.1.4"    }  }});

The I use a gulp-jspm to execute the bundling into on self-contained js file:

var gulp_jspm = require("gulp-jspm");gulp.task("jspm_bundle", ["compile:ts"], function() {    return gulp.src("./wwwroot/app/bootApp.js")        .pipe(gulp_jspm({ selfExecutingBundle: true }))        .pipe(gulp.dest("./wwwroot/app-build/"));});

Then into your index.html file you have one nice tidy script reference:

<script src="~/app-build/bootApp.bundle.min.js?v=@AppSettings.Value.BundleVersion"> </script>

When I build for production I change the BundleVersion variable as a cache buster.

In relation to point #4, I believe that there are no plans to produce a Bower package for angular2 (see This seems likely to cause some friction with Visual Studio 2015 ASP.NET 5 template projects which are set up to use Bower for client-side packages (see

I have worked around this as follows:

  1. Install the angular2 npm package: npm install --save angular2
  2. Configure a gulp task to copy relevant files from the node_modules directory structure to the wwwroot\lib directory structure. This could be done as follows in gulpfile.js:

    /// <binding BeforeBuild='build-wwwroot-lib' />var gulp = require('gulp');var nodeModulesPath = './node_modules';var wwwrootLibPath = './wwwroot/lib';var libFiles = [  nodeModulesPath + '/angular2/bundles/**',  nodeModulesPath + '/es6-promise/dist/**',  nodeModulesPath + '/es6-shim/es6-*',  nodeModulesPath + '/reflect-metadata/Reflect*js',  nodeModulesPath + '/rxjs/bundles/**',  nodeModulesPath + '/zone.js/dist/**',  /* ... Add other files required here as necessary ... */];// Install relevant assets from node_modules to wwwroot/libgulp.task('build-wwwroot-lib', function() {  return gulp    .src(config.lib, { base: nodeModulesPath })    .pipe(gulp.dest(wwwrootLibPath));});