checkbox and html data attribute checkbox and html data attribute checkbox and html data attribute

I'm not sure why it's rendered with a span, but I suppose you can add the attribute directly to the input element of the CheckBox in code-behid like this:


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An additional parent element is used, so that the attributes you apply to a CheckBox can affect both the input and the text. I suppose it's a span (and not a div), because it's an inline element, making it more convenient to use in different scenarios.

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This is the way that render engine builds the CheckBox control, there isn't very much to do about it.

Something you could do is creating a runat="server" input.

<input id="myInput" runat="server" type="checkbox" data-foo="bar"/><label>Custom attribute</label>

Another option is adding the data-foo attribute using jquery on document load

$(function(){    $('span[data-foo]').each(function(){        var $span = $(this);        var value = $'foo');        $span.find('input').data('foo',value);            });})

Just to add another method that I use when all else fails, you can always use a literal control and make it render whatever you want. You need to do a bit more work when handling the postback, but sometimes this is the only way to get the html you need.


<asp:Literal ID="myLiteral" runat="server"/>


myLiteral.Text = string.Format("<input type=\"checkbox\" data-foo=\"{0}\" /><label>Normal</label>", value)