MVC4 WebApi route with file-name in it MVC4 WebApi route with file-name in it MVC4 WebApi route with file-name in it

You could add the following handler to the <handlers> section of your <system.webServer>:

<add     name="ManagedDllExtension"     path="api/nav/*/*.dll"     verb="GET"     type="System.Web.Handlers.TransferRequestHandler"     preCondition="integratedMode,runtimeVersionv4.0" />

This will make all requests containing .dll be served through the managed pipeline. Also notice how I have limited them only to the GET verb to limit the performance impact.

Found it. What's needed is this (and maybe some of the things I've added above in the original post):

<system.webServer>  <modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true" /></system.webServer>

My trade off was to append /end to the end of route. .'s are ignored before the last /.

The equivalent URL would be

The benefit being that you don't get a performance hit on your assets.