ASP.Net validation summary causes page to jump to top ASP.Net validation summary causes page to jump to top

ASP.Net validation summary causes page to jump to top

Two possible work arounds:

Disable client validation and jump to correct position on post back:

* set EnableClientScript="false" for all validation controls (disabling client validation)* set MaintainScrollPositionOnPostback="true" in Page directive

Disable the scrollTo function in javascript:

<script type="text/javascript">    window.scrollTo = function() { }</script>

This is a known bug, as documented on Microsoft Connect. The relevant issue has the basis for the best work around:

var ValidationSummaryOnSubmitOrig = ValidationSummaryOnSubmit;var ValidationSummaryOnSubmit = function() {    var scrollToOrig = window.scrollTo;    window.scrollTo = function() { };    var retVal = ValidationSummaryOnSubmitOrig();    window.scrollTo = scrollToOrig;    return retVal;}

Instead of

<script type="text/javascript">    window.scrollTo = function() { return true; }</script>

which would indiscriminately override the ScrollTo function for all postbacks, I put the function in my OnClientClick event of the button. As below.

onClientClick="window.scrollTo = function(x,y) { return true; };"

Not sure if it's the best solution, but it seems to have done the job for me.