validation to make sure textbox has integer values validation to make sure textbox has integer values validation to make sure textbox has integer values

If all that you are concerned about is that the field contains an integer (i.e., not concerned with a range), then add a CompareValidator with it's Operator property set to DataTypeCheck:

<asp:CompareValidator runat="server" Operator="DataTypeCheck" Type="Integer"  ControlToValidate="ValueTextBox" ErrorMessage="Value must be a whole number" />

If there is a specific range of values that are valid (there probably are), then you can use a RangeValidator, like so:

<asp:RangeValidator runat="server" Type="Integer" MinimumValue="0" MaximumValue="400" ControlToValidate="ValueTextBox" ErrorMessage="Value must be a whole number between 0 and 400" />

These will only validate if there is text in the TextBox, so you will need to keep the RequiredFieldValidator there, too.

As @Mahin said, make sure you check the Page.IsValid property on the server side, otherwise the validator only works for users with JavaScript enabled.

This works fine to me:

<asp:RegularExpressionValidator ID="RegularExpressionValidator1" runat="server"     ControlToValidate="YourTextBoxID"     ErrorMessage="Only numeric allowed." ForeColor="Red"     ValidationExpression="^[0-9]*$" ValidationGroup="NumericValidate">*</asp:RegularExpressionValidator>

I think you should add ValidationGroup="NumericValidate" to your submit button also.

Use Int32.TryParse.

 int integer; Int32.TryParse(Textbox.Text, out integer)

It will return a bool so you can see if they entered a valid integer.