viewstate encryption issue viewstate encryption issue viewstate encryption issue

I know it's been a while since you posted this, but have you considered making your own implementation of PageStatePersister? PageStatePersister is the component responsible for formatting the ViewState and ControlState data embedded in your page. If security is your primary concern you can use whatever encryption algorithms you'd like to ensure your data remains private. Based on your configuration it sounds like you're in a rather capable environment, so obviously load-test first. It's also worth mentioning that I have no idea regarding or experience with MVC's layered involvement in ViewState when incorporated in a "classic" ASP.NET WebForms site.

Good luck.


Web.config page settings do not apply to pre-compiled ASP.Net application with updatable option disabled. It has been a while but my test server i likely had deployed with updatable option disabled ... lesson learned.


Similar Question i Asked, same issue.

My guess is the that load balanced web farm is the source of the confusion. You stated that only "only one server [is] up for testing right now", but all the symptoms you're experiencing sound exactly like what would happen if multiple servers in the web farm were running, but you only made the web.config and machine.config changes on one server. When you hit the website with your browser, sometimes you would hit one server that was configured one way, sometimes you would hit another server that was configured another way.