Avoiding SQL injection without parameters Avoiding SQL injection without parameters asp.net asp.net

Avoiding SQL injection without parameters

I think the correct answer is:

Don't try to do security yourself. Use whatever trusted, industry standard library there is available for what you're trying to do, rather than trying to do it yourself. Whatever assumptions you make about security, might be incorrect. As secure as your own approach may look (and it looks shaky at best), there's a risk you're overlooking something and do you really want to take that chance when it comes to security?

Use parameters.

And then somebody goes and uses " instead of '. Parameters are, IMO, the only safe way to go.

It also avoids a lot of i18n issues with dates/numbers; what date is 01/02/03? How much is 123,456? Do your servers (app-server and db-server) agree with each-other?

If the risk factor isn't convincing to them, how about performance? The RDBMS can re-use the query plan if you use parameters, helping performance. It can't do this with just the string.

The argument is a no-win. If you do manage to find a vulnerability, your co-workers will just change the SafeDBString function to account for it and then ask you to prove that it's unsafe all over again.

Given that parametrized queries are an undisputed programming best practice, the burden of proof should be on them to state why they aren't using a method that is both safer and better performing.

If the issue is rewriting all the legacy code, the easy compromise would be to use parametrized queries in all new code, and refactor old code to use them when working on that code.

My guess is the actual issue is pride and stubbornness, and there's not much more you can do about that.