Cannot import wsdl:portType, wsdl:binding, wsdl:port Cannot import wsdl:portType, wsdl:binding, wsdl:port

Cannot import wsdl:portType, wsdl:binding, wsdl:port

Other problem could be, not passing all XSDs to svcutil. Our problem was we were using

svcutil.exe service.wsdl

instead of

svcutil.exe service.wsdl first.xsd second.xsd ......

FYI, we were integrating java web services to our wcf service/.net client.

Turned out to be, we are reusing DataContract while generating proxy & old DataContract dll was not replaced in location from where it is referenced.

Also get help from an response in question what-does-this-wcf-error-mean-custom-tool-warning-cannot-import-wsdlporttype?