Can't get my EC2 Windows Server 2008 (Web stack) instance to receive publishings of my website Can't get my EC2 Windows Server 2008 (Web stack) instance to receive publishings of my website

Can't get my EC2 Windows Server 2008 (Web stack) instance to receive publishings of my website

I contact Microsoft directly about this problem and they had an immediate answer for me.

From MS guy:

It looks like your Web Management Service not contactable. I have seen this before when the certificate for the service is invalid. Can you run the attached script on your server?

  1. Start a PowerShell prompt elevated
  2. Run set-executionpolicy unrestricted –force
  3. Run .\00_Certificate.ps1
  4. Net stop wmsvc
  5. Net start wmsvc

Does this fix the problem?

The script he is referring to is available here

This error can also occur when you specify the end point in the wrong format.

For example when selecting to publish an application Visual Studio gives examples of the end point format such as https://RemoteServer:8172/MsDeploy.axd

Turns out it actually wanted this without the http prefix e.g.

If you get an error about certificates after this you just need to check the box allow untrusted certificates in the publish screen.


I had this same problem with Web Deploy when it was installed by the Web Platform Installer. After manually uninstalling and reinstalling Web Deploy directly (NOT using Web PI) it worked fine...