Config transformations and “TransformXml task failed” error message Config transformations and “TransformXml task failed” error message

Config transformations and “TransformXml task failed” error message

Looks like the answer was simple yet obscure; I had an app setting (a password), which contained a ">" symbol. I tried converting the app to .NET 4 then back to .NET 3.5 and everything ran fine as during the process the symbol had been escaped to ">". Never had a problem with this character until config transformations came along but at least the fix is now simple.

Edit: blogged about in a bit more detail: Visual Studio 2010 Config Transformations TransformXml task failure

FYI: my project was already targeting .NET 4.0, so I switched it to 3.5 and then back to 4.0 and it works that way as well.