Configuring AutoMapper 4.2 with built in IoC in ASP.NET Core 1.0 MVC6 Configuring AutoMapper 4.2 with built in IoC in ASP.NET Core 1.0 MVC6

Configuring AutoMapper 4.2 with built in IoC in ASP.NET Core 1.0 MVC6

This answer suits the MVC 6 approach a little more around the Controller layer:

I migrated from AutoMapper 4.1.1 to 4.2.0, had a few issues figuring out the intricacies but got there in the end.

First I separated the AutoMapper Profile build into a new class (see below) to save clogging up the Startup class.

using AutoMapper;using YourModels;using YourViewModels;namespace YourNamespace{    public class AutoMapperProfileConfiguration : Profile    {        protected override void Configure()        {            CreateMap<Application, ApplicationViewModel>();            CreateMap<ApplicationViewModel, Application>();            ...        }    }}

I made the following amendments to the Startup class.

I added private member variable of type MapperConfiguration.

private MapperConfiguration _mapperConfiguration { get; set; }

In the Startup constructor I added the following code to instantiate my new AutoMapper Profile.

_mapperConfiguration = new MapperConfiguration(cfg =>{    cfg.AddProfile(new AutoMapperProfileConfiguration());});

In ConfigureServices() I dropped my new AutoMapper Profile into a Singleton.

services.AddSingleton<IMapper>(sp => _mapperConfiguration.CreateMapper());

It was then just a simple operation to inject it the relevant controllers.

using AutoMapper;using ...namespace YourNamespace{    public class ApplicationsController : BaseController    {        [FromServices]        private IMapper _mapper { get; set; }        [FromServices]        private IApplicationRepository _applicationRepository { get; set; }        public ApplicationsController(            IMapper mapper,            IApplicationRepository applicationRepository)        {            _mapper = mapper;            _applicationRepository = applicationRepository;        }        // GET: Applications        public async Task<IActionResult> Index()        {            IEnumerable<Application> applications = await _applicationRepository.GetForIdAsync(...);            if (applications == null)                return HttpNotFound();            List<ApplicationViewModel> viewModel = _mapper.Map<List<ApplicationViewModel>>(applications);            return View(viewModel);        }        ...}

Thanks to Rexebin over at for his post which help enourmously.

You can also use the extension package from the automapper creator.

You can pass in a configuration, specify assemblies to scan or pass nothing and let it scan assemblies from the DependencyContext.

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services){    //configure DI    services.AddTransient<IFoo, Foo>();    //Add automapper - scans for Profiles    services.AddAutoMapper();    //or specify    services.AddAutoMapper(cfg =>    {        cfg.AddProfile<ViewModelProfile>();        ...    });    ...

In your ConfigurationServices you can new up an instance of MapperConfiguration and then create your maps and add them.

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services){         MapperConfiguration configuration = new MapperConfiguration(cfg =>    {       cfg.AddProfile<MappingProfile.Profile1>();       cfg.AddProfile<MappingProfile.Profile2>();    });    services.AddInstance(typeof (IMapper), configuration.CreateMapper());}

Then you just inject the IMapper in your constructor and map

public class Handler{      private readonly ProfileContext _db;      private readonly IMapper _mapper;      public Handler(ProfileContext db, IMapper mapper)      {          _db = db;          _mapper = mapper;      }      public void Handle(Profile1 request)      {          ProfileModel profile = _mapper.Map<Profile1, ProfileModel>(request);          _db.Profiles.Add(profile);          try          {              db.SaveChanges();          }          catch (Exception ex)          {              throw;          }          return profile;      }}