Creating an asp:Button programmatically? Creating an asp:Button programmatically?

Creating an asp:Button programmatically?

Button btnSave = new Button();    btnSave.ID = "btnSave";    btnSave.Text = "Save";  btnSave.Click += new System.EventHandler(btnSave_Click);protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){    //do something when button clicked. }

Also remember that when the user clicks the button it will force a postback, which creates a new instance of your page class. The old instance where you created the button is already gone. You need to make sure that this new instance of the class also adds your button -- and it's event handler -- prior to the load phase, or the event handler won't run (the page's load event still will, however).

You would be adding a handler to the OnClick using the += syntax if you want to register a handler for the OnClick event in the code behind.

//Add the handler to your button, passing the name of the handling method    btnSave.Click += new System.EventHandler(btnSave_Click);protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){    //Your custom code goes here}