Does elmah handle caught exceptions as well Does elmah handle caught exceptions as well

Does elmah handle caught exceptions as well

ELMAH has been updated to support a new feature called Signaling.

This allows you to handle exceptions how you want, while still logging them to ELMAH.

try{    int i = 5;    int j = 0;    i = i / j; //Throws exception}catch (Exception ex){    MyPersonalHandlingCode(ex);    ErrorSignal.FromCurrentContext().Raise(ex); //ELMAH Signaling}

Re-throwing exceptions can be a bad practice as it makes it difficult to trace the flow of an application. Using Signaling is a much better approach if you intended to handle the error in some fashion and simply want to document it.

Please check out this excellent guide by DotNetSlackers on ELMAH

A filter is the cleanest way to handle this problem. Check this solution here