Entity Framework Timeouts Entity Framework Timeouts asp.net asp.net

Entity Framework Timeouts

There is a known bug with specifying default command timeout within the EF connection string.


Remove the value from the connection string and set it on the data context object itself. This will work if you remove the conflicting value from the connection string.

Entity Framework Core 1.0:


Entity Framework 6:

this.context.Database.CommandTimeout = 180;

Entity Framework 5:

((IObjectContextAdapter)this.context).ObjectContext.CommandTimeout = 180;

Entity Framework 4 and below:

this.context.CommandTimeout = 180;

If you are using a DbContext, use the following constructor to set the command timeout:

public class MyContext : DbContext{    public MyContext ()    {        var adapter = (IObjectContextAdapter)this;        var objectContext = adapter.ObjectContext;        objectContext.CommandTimeout = 1 * 60; // value in seconds    }}

If you are using DbContext and EF v6+, alternatively you can use:

this.context.Database.CommandTimeout = 180;