Free Cloud Database Service for home development [closed] Free Cloud Database Service for home development [closed]

Free Cloud Database Service for home development [closed]

Have you tried

They have a number of free database providers including SQL Server, mySQL, Mongo and Cloudant. They'll also build and test your software providing it's hosted on Github, Bitbucket or Codeplex. If you don't care about that, they'll still give the connection string to work with your winforms apps.

I've never used it but, for minimal use, you can use Amazon SimpleDB.

Free Tier*

You can get started with Amazon SimpleDB for free. New andexisting customers receive 25 SimpleDB Machine Hours and 1 GB ofStorage for free each month. Many applications should be able tooperate perpetually within these free tier limits.

I doubt you're going to be able to find a completely free cloud solution for databases.

Ragic also have a free tier for less than 1000 entries. And paid tier is pretty cheap too for $5 per month.

It should work something like this:

  1. Put the data on an online database with HTTP API like Ragic
  2. Have both your web app and mobile app retrieve and update data to the online database.
  3. Each time the data is update, changes will be reflected on both ends.