Global Import/using Aliasing in .NET Global Import/using Aliasing in .NET

Global Import/using Aliasing in .NET

Yes this is a supported scenario in VB.Net projects. The way to do this is the following

  • Right Click on the project in Solution Explorer and select Properties
  • Go to the References tab
  • In the "Imported Namespaces" field type "Db=Company.Lib.Data.Objects"
  • Hit "Add User Import"

This will set up the alias for all files in the project.

This however does not work in C# projects. C# as a language doesn't have the concept of a global using/import. Instead it only supports them at the file level.

In your web.config file for your website - or most likely app.config file for a project (not confirmed)

    <pages controlRenderingCompatibilityVersion="3.5" clientIDMode="AutoID">        <namespaces>            <clear/>            <add namespace="System"/>            <add namespace="System.Collections"/>            <add namespace="System.Collections.Specialized"/>            <add namespace="System.Configuration"/>

anything that you put in this section should be a valid replacement for the Imports clause on the top of your code behind pages. Worked wonders for me, let me know if it helps you out