GridView bound with Properties of nested class GridView bound with Properties of nested class

GridView bound with Properties of nested class

Only immediate properties of an instance can be displayed in a BoundField column.

One must instead use DataBinder.Eval in an itemtemplate to access the nested property instead of assigning it to a boundfield.


<asp:TemplateField>    <itemtemplate>        <p><%#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "NestedClass.Name")%></p>    </itemtemplate></asp:TemplateField>

Alternatively, you can create a custom class which inherits BoundField and overrides GetValue to use DataBinder.Eval, as described in this blog post:

This extension on BoundField calls DataBinder.Eval(), which does support nested properties:

public class BetterBoundField : BoundField{    protected override object GetValue(Control controlContainer)    {        if (DataField.Contains("."))        {            var component = DataBinder.GetDataItem(controlContainer);            return DataBinder.Eval(component, DataField);        }        return base.GetValue(controlContainer);    }}