How can I access an IFRAME from the codebehind file in ASP.NET? How can I access an IFRAME from the codebehind file in ASP.NET?

How can I access an IFRAME from the codebehind file in ASP.NET?

This works for me.


<iframe id="ContentIframe" runat="server"></iframe>

I can access the iframe directly via id.

Code Behind :

ContentIframe.Attributes["src"] = "";

If the iframe is directly on the page where the code is running, you should be able to reference it directly:

contentPanel1.Attribute = value;

If not (it's in a child control, or the MasterPage), you'll need a good idea of the hierarchy of the page... Or use the brute-force method of writing a recursive version of FindControl().

Where is your iframe embedded?

Having this code

<body><iframe id="iFrame1" runat="server"></iframe><form id="form1" runat="server"><div>      <iframe id="iFrame2" runat="server"></iframe></div></form>

I can access with iFrame1.Attributes["src"] just to iFrame1 and not to iFrame2.

Alternatively, you can access to any element in your form with:

FindControl("iFrame2") as System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlGenericControl