How can I implement Claims-Based Authorization with ASP.NET WebAPI without using Roles? How can I implement Claims-Based Authorization with ASP.NET WebAPI without using Roles?

How can I implement Claims-Based Authorization with ASP.NET WebAPI without using Roles?

You can achieve that if you override the Authorize attribute. In your case it should be something like this:

public class ClaimsAuthorize : AuthorizeAttribute{    public string SubjectID { get; set; }    public string LocationID { get; set; }    protected override bool IsAuthorized(HttpActionContext actionContext)    {        ClaimsIdentity claimsIdentity;        var httpContext = HttpContext.Current;        if (!(httpContext.User.Identity is ClaimsIdentity))        {            return false;        }              claimsIdentity = httpContext.User.Identity as ClaimsIdentity;        var subIdClaims = claimsIdentity.FindFirst("SubjectId");        var locIdClaims = claimsIdentity.FindFirst("LocationId");        if (subIdClaims == null || locIdClaims == null)        {            // just extra defense            return false;        }        var userSubId = subIdClaims.Value;        var userLocId = subIdClaims.Value;        // use your desired logic on 'userSubId' and `userLocId', maybe Contains if I get your example right?        if (!this.SubjectID.Contains(userSubId) || !this.LocationID.Contains(userLocId))        {            return false;        }        //Continue with the regular Authorize check        return base.IsAuthorized(actionContext);    } }

In your controller that you wish to restrict access to, use the ClaimsAuthorize attribute instead of the normal Authorize one:

[ClaimsAuthorize(    SubjectID = "1,2",    LocationID = "5,6,7")][RoutePrefix("api/Content")]public class ContentController : BaseController{     ....}