How can I use a List<> Collection as a Repeater Datasource in ASP.NET with C# How can I use a List<> Collection as a Repeater Datasource in ASP.NET with C#

How can I use a List<> Collection as a Repeater Datasource in ASP.NET with C#

Just set your list as the DataSource:

Repeater1.DataSource = list;


You don't have actual Properties, you're using Fields. You need to create actual properties in order for the databinding to find them.

So modify your class like:

public class NewAddedFiles{    public string FileName { get; set; }    public string FilePath { get; set; }    public DateTime FileCreationDate { get; set; }}

Um, how about just:

Repeater1.DataSource = list;

That's certainly what I'd expect... have you tried it?

I suspect you're seeing the same values again and again - that's because you're populating your list with multiple references to a single object. You should be creating your NewAddedFile inside your loop:

foreach (FileInfo fi in FileList){    NewAddedFiles file = new NewAddedFiles();    string relativeFilePath = "~//" +         fi.FullName.Replace(Request.ServerVariables["APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH"], "");    file.FileName = fi.Name;    file.FilePath = relativeFilePath;    file.FileCreationDate = fi.CreationTime;    list.Add(file);}

Or using LINQ:

List<NewAddedFiles> list = FileList.Select(fi =>    new NewAddedFiles {        FileName = fi.Name,        FilePath = "~//" + fi.FullName                     .Replace(Request.ServerVariables["APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH"], ""),        FileCreationPath = fi.CreationTime    }).ToList();

With respect to the FilePath by the way, I suspect there are better approaches...

Repeater1.DataSource = list;


Then handle Item_databound event of repeater

protected void Repeater_ItemDatabound(object s,EventArgs e){    if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item         || e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem)     {        NewAddedFiles currentItem=(NewAddedFiles)e.Item.DataItem;        //do ur rocessing here    }}