How do I retrieve response html from within a HttpModule? How do I retrieve response html from within a HttpModule?

How do I retrieve response html from within a HttpModule?

Fun little challenge.

Here's the code:


    public class StreamWatcher : Stream    {        private Stream _base;        private MemoryStream _memoryStream = new MemoryStream();        public StreamWatcher(Stream stream)        {            _base = stream;        }        public override void Flush()        {            _base.Flush();        }        public override int Read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)        {            return _base.Read(buffer, offset, count);        }        public override void Write(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)        {            _memoryStream.Write(buffer, offset, count);            _base.Write(buffer, offset, count);        }        public override string ToString()        {            return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(_memoryStream.ToArray());        }        #region Rest of the overrides        public override bool CanRead        {            get { throw new NotImplementedException(); }        }        public override bool CanSeek        {            get { throw new NotImplementedException(); }        }        public override bool CanWrite        {            get { throw new NotImplementedException(); }        }        public override long Seek(long offset, SeekOrigin origin)        {            throw new NotImplementedException();        }        public override void SetLength(long value)        {            throw new NotImplementedException();        }        public override long Length        {            get { throw new NotImplementedException(); }        }        public override long Position        {            get            {                throw new NotImplementedException();            }            set            {                throw new NotImplementedException();            }        }        #endregion    }


public class TitleModule : IHttpModule{    public void Dispose()    {    }    private static Regex regex = new Regex(@"(?<=<title>)[\w\s\r\n]*?(?=</title)", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);    private StreamWatcher _watcher;    public void Init(HttpApplication context)    {        context.BeginRequest += (o, e) =>         {            _watcher = new StreamWatcher(context.Response.Filter);            context.Response.Filter = _watcher;        };        context.EndRequest += (o, e) =>        {            string value = _watcher.ToString();            Trace.WriteLine(regex.Match(value).Value.Trim());        };    }}

There is an article on 4GuysFromRolla that talks about creating HttpResponse filters which are basically streams that process the response before passing it through to the final output stream (an interceptor).