How do you add Bootstrap's close button to ValidationSummary in ASP.NET Forms? How do you add Bootstrap's close button to ValidationSummary in ASP.NET Forms?

How do you add Bootstrap's close button to ValidationSummary in ASP.NET Forms?

I think you are on the right track with this

<div id="validationSummary" class="alert alert-danger alert-dismissable">   <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert">×</button>   <asp:ValidationSummary      ID="ValidationSummary1" ShowSummary="true" runat="server"      DisplayMode="BulletList"/></div>

Additionally you need to handle the button click that causes validation to reset the visibility and then also clear the html from the validation summary.

$( "#myform" ).submit(function( event ) {  //clear the validation summary html  $("#ValidationSummary1").empty(); //this should be the ClientID not the serverID of your validation control.  //display the validation summary div  $("#validationSummary").toggle();  //you might want to remove the 'hidden' class instead of toggling the divs visibility});

i think this is the easiest way:

      var container = $('form').find('[data-valmsg-summary="true"]');                container.addClass('whatever').removeclass('if-you-want');                container.find('ul').find('li').append('<a class="close" onclick="clearConfirmation()">×</a>');  function clearConfirmation() {            var container = $('form').find('[data-valmsg-summary="true"]');            var html = container.html();            container.find('ul').html(null);            container.removeClass('alert').removeClass('alert-error');        }

this is a pseudo-code just to give you an idea. Change clearConfirmation to your own needs and it will be good :)