How should I expose the total record count and IEnumable collection of paged records from my service layer method? How should I expose the total record count and IEnumable collection of paged records from my service layer method?

How should I expose the total record count and IEnumable collection of paged records from my service layer method?

You can do something like this

public class Repository<TEntity>{   public IEnumerable<TEntity> GetCollection(Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> filter,       int pageSize, int pageIndex)   {      return YourDbSet.Where(filter).OrderBy(sortExpression).Skip(pageSize * pageIndex).Take(pageSize);   }   public int Count(Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> filter)   {      return YourDbSet.Where(filter).Count();   }}

Then You can write an extension method to use both of these methods

public static Pagination<TEntity> GetPagination<TEntity>(this Repository<TEntity> repository,    Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> filter, int pageSize, int pageIndex){   var entities = repository.GetCollection(filter, pageSize, pageIndex);   var count = repository.Count(filter);   return new Pagination(entities, pageSize, pageIndex + 1, count);}

This way you can reuse GetCollection and Count methods independently.You can build the where condition dynamically. Take a look at my answer

If the Enumerable you are returning contains all the items, I would do a ToList() on it before returning if from the function. (you can then do Count with no cost on it)If the function is returning a sub set of the total (using Skip and take) I would add a seperate function to get the total count.