How TDD works when there can be millions of test cases for a production functionality? How TDD works when there can be millions of test cases for a production functionality?

How TDD works when there can be millions of test cases for a production functionality?

It's an interesting question, related to the idea of falsifiability in epistemology. With unit tests, you are not really trying to prove that the system works; you are constructing experiments which, if they fail, will prove that the system doesn't work in a way consistent with your expectations/beliefs. If your tests pass, you do not know that your system works, because you may have forgotten some edge case which is untested; what you know is that as of now, you have no reason to believe that your system is faulty.

The classical example in history of sciences is the question "are all swans white?". No matter how many different white swans you find, you can't say that the hypothesis "all swans are white" is correct. On the other hand, bring me one black swan, and I know the hypothesis is not correct.

A good TDD unit test is along these lines; if it passes, it won't tell you that everything is right, but if it fails, it tells you where your hypothesis is incorrect. In that frame, testing for every number isn't that valuable: one case should be sufficient, because if it doesn't work for that case, you know something is wrong.

Where the question is interesting though is that unlike for swans, where you can't really enumerate over every swan in the world, and all their future children and their parents, you could enumerate every single integer, which is a finite set, and verify every possible situation. Also, a program is in lots of ways closer to mathematics than to physics, and in some cases you can also truly verify whether a statement is true - but that type of verification is, in my opinion, not what TDD is going after. TDD is going after good experiments which aim at capturing possible failure cases, not at proving that something is true.

You're forgetting step three:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Refactor

Writing your test cases gets you to red.

Writing enough code to make those test cases pass gets you to green.

Generalizing your code to work for more than just the test cases you wrote, while still not breaking any of them, is the refactoring.

You appear to be treating TDD as if it is black-box testing. It's not. If it were black-box testing, only a complete (millions of test cases) set of tests would satisfy you, because any given case might be untested, and therefore the demons in the black box would be able to get away with a cheat.

But it isn't demons in the black box in your code. It's you, in a white box. You know whether you're cheating or not. The practice of Fake It Til You Make It is closely associated with TDD, and sometimes confused with it. Yes, you write fake implementations to satisfy early test cases - but you know you're faking it. And you also know when you have stopped faking it. You know when you have a real implementation, and you've gotten there by progressive iteration and test-driving.

So your question is really misplaced. For TDD, you need to write enough test cases to drive your solution to completion and correctness; you don't need test cases for every conceivable set of inputs.