How to access users calendar list and events from google api using access token and refresh token How to access users calendar list and events from google api using access token and refresh token

How to access users calendar list and events from google api using access token and refresh token

I have found solution using Google.Apis.Calendar.v3, i am posting it here so may help someone else. Following is the code to get the events list when you have refresh token of a user:

First get new access token using the refresh token:

string postString = "client_id=yourclientid";postString += "&client_secret=youclientsecret&refresh_token=userrefreshtoken";postString += "&grant_type=refresh_token";string url = "";HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url.ToString());request.Method = "POST";request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";UTF8Encoding utfenc = new UTF8Encoding();byte[] bytes = utfenc.GetBytes(postString);Stream os = null;    request.ContentLength = bytes.Length;    os = request.GetRequestStream();    os.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);    GoogleToken token = new GoogleToken();    HttpWebResponse webResponse = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();    Stream responseStream = webResponse.GetResponseStream();    StreamReader responseStreamReader = new StreamReader(responseStream);    string result = responseStreamReader.ReadToEnd();    JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();    token = serializer.Deserialize<GoogleToken>(result);

Then use the toke and refresh token to create credentials.

var flow = new GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow(new GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow.Initializer            {                ClientSecrets = new ClientSecrets                {                    ClientId = yourclientid,                    ClientSecret = yourclientsecret                },                Scopes = new[] { CalendarService.Scope.Calendar }            });            var credential = new UserCredential(flow, Environment.UserName, new TokenResponse            {                AccessToken = token.access_token,                RefreshToken = userrefreshtoke            });            CalendarService service = new CalendarService(new BaseClientService.Initializer()            {                HttpClientInitializer = credential,                ApplicationName = "application name",            });            var list = service.CalendarList.List().Execute().Items;            foreach (var c in list)            {                var events = service.Events.List(c.Id).Execute().Items.Where(i => i.Start.DateTime >= DateTime.Now).ToList();                foreach (var e in events)                {                }}

GoogleToken class:

 public class GoogleToken    {        public string access_token { get; set; }        public string token_type { get; set; }        public string expires_in { get; set; }           }

According to the .NET Quickstart sample provided by Google you'll be needing to download a client_secret.json which is part of the authentication process. Check the whole process in the link.

Here' a snippet for feching events in .NET:

// List events.Events events = request.Execute();Console.WriteLine("Upcoming events:");if (events.Items != null && events.Items.Count > 0){foreach (var eventItem in events.Items){string when = eventItem.Start.DateTime.ToString();if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(when)){when = eventItem.Start.Date;}Console.WriteLine("{0} ({1})", eventItem.Summary, when);}}else{Console.WriteLine("No upcoming events found.");}Console.Read();

You can also read more of oAuth related guides in .NET here.

For more info on retrieving Calendar lists and events, read this guide.