How to add global.asax file to ASP.NET MVC4 project? How to add global.asax file to ASP.NET MVC4 project?

How to add global.asax file to ASP.NET MVC4 project?

Just in case you may have missed the item even though it may actually be there for you I'll post this answer.

In Visual Studio 2013

  1. Open Solution Explorer.
  2. Right-click on the project.
  3. Add New Item.
  4. VB or C#
  5. Web.
  6. General.
  7. Global Application Class.

  1. Create an empty new project.
  2. Go to that folder and copy the Global.asax file.
  3. Go to your project and in solution explorer paste it on root.
  4. Open Global.asax file and change namespace match to your namespace.
  5. In solution explorer right click on Global.asax and pick View Markup and change inherits match to your namespace.

Any problem doing this:

  • Create a new empty project and get it from there (drag-and-drop from Windows Explorer to Visual Studio works fine), or
  • Add, say aspx page or any item, then rename accordingly (to get the code behind file, add and rename another item); in this case, they'll obviously be empty.