How to choose multiple files using File Upload Control? How to choose multiple files using File Upload Control?

How to choose multiple files using File Upload Control?

The FileUpload.AllowMultiple property in .NET 4.5 and higher will allow you the control to select multiple files.

<asp:FileUpload ID="fileImages" AllowMultiple="true" runat="server" />

.NET 4 and below

 <asp:FileUpload ID="fileImages" Multiple="Multiple" runat="server" />

On the post-back, you can then:

 Dim flImages As HttpFileCollection = Request.Files                    For Each key As String In flImages.Keys    Dim flfile As HttpPostedFile = flImages(key)    flfile.SaveAs(yourpath & flfile.FileName) Next

here is the complete example of how you can select and upload multiple files in using file upload control....

write this code in .aspx file..

<head runat="server">    <title></title></head><body><form id="form1" runat="server" enctype="multipart/form-data"><div>    <input type="file" id="myfile" multiple="multiple" name="myfile" runat="server" size="100" />    <br />    <asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Button" OnClick="Button1_Click" />    <br />    <asp:Label ID="Span1" runat="server"></asp:Label></div></form></body></html>

after that write this code in .aspx.cs file..

   protected void Button1_Click(object sender,EventArgs e) {          string filepath = Server.MapPath("\\Upload");          HttpFileCollection uploadedFiles = Request.Files;          Span1.Text = string.Empty;          for(int i = 0;i < uploadedFiles.Count;i++) {              HttpPostedFile userPostedFile = uploadedFiles[i];              try {                  if (userPostedFile.ContentLength > 0) {                     Span1.Text += "<u>File #" + (i + 1) +  "</u><br>";                     Span1.Text += "File Content Type: " +  userPostedFile.ContentType      + "<br>";                     Span1.Text += "File Size: " + userPostedFile.ContentLength           + "kb<br>";                     Span1.Text += "File Name: " + userPostedFile.FileName + "<br>";                     userPostedFile.SaveAs(filepath + "\\" +    Path.GetFileName(userPostedFile.FileName));                                       Span1.Text += "Location where saved: " +   filepath + "\\" +   Path.GetFileName(userPostedFile.FileName) + "<p>";                  }              } catch(Exception Ex) {                  Span1.Text += "Error: <br>" + Ex.Message;              }           }        }    }

and here you go...your multiple file upload control is ready..have a happy day.

        aspx code            <asp:FileUpload ID="FileUpload1" runat="server" AllowMultiple="true" />            <asp:Button ID="btnUpload" Text="Upload" runat="server" OnClick ="UploadMultipleFiles" accept ="image/gif, image/jpeg" />            <hr />            <asp:Label ID="lblSuccess" runat="server" ForeColor ="Green" />    Code Behind:protected void UploadMultipleFiles(object sender, EventArgs e){     foreach (HttpPostedFile postedFile in FileUpload1.PostedFiles)     {          string fileName = Path.GetFileName(postedFile.FileName);          postedFile.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~/Uploads/") + fileName);     }     lblSuccess.Text = string.Format("{0} files have been uploaded successfully.", FileUpload1.PostedFiles.Count);}