How to Generate absolute urls with https in MVC3? How to Generate absolute urls with https in MVC3?

How to Generate absolute urls with https in MVC3?

You can probably implement your own solution using VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute. Probably something like this:

public static class UrlHelperExtension {  public static string Absolute(this UrlHelper url, string relativeOrAbsolute) {    var uri = new Uri(relativeOrAbsolute, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);    if (uri.IsAbsoluteUri) {      return relativeOrAbsolute;    }    // At this point, we know the url is relative.    return VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute(relativeOrAbsolute);  }}

which you would use like:


(Didn't test this myself, feel free to play around to make it work right.)

This helps to you to generate absolute URLs for your content files. In order to change the scheme of the resulting URLs, you can create an additional extension method that manipulates the scheme of the given URLs so that they are HTTPS, or something else.

As Khalid points out in the comments, similar extension methods are already available in various open-source projects which you can make use of (given that the license permits). An example one can be found here.

A solution that doesn't use extension methods or hardcode the protocol, as suggested by @BlackTigerX:

Url.RouteUrl("Default", new { Action = "About" }, Request.Url.Scheme)

as suggested in the following article:

You can use Url.RouteUrl, some of the overloads take a protocol parameter, looks something like this:

Url.RouteUrl("Product", new { itemId = "123456" }, "https");

Take a look a the overloads and see which one you can use